The Gaucus convex mirror is part of a series based on the colors of bodies of water or the myths associated with them. Glaucus is made of a rich combination of blues, grays and green Venetian glass rods resulting in a deep teal color. The ends of the rays are topped with rough African recycled beads that have been polished into transparent jewels.
The Gaucus convex mirror is about 13.5 inches in diameter. It hangs in my studio pending being shipped to one of my showrooms.
Jewelry for Walls!
The Galucus convex mirror is named for the sea god in Greek mythology. Glaucus started his life a a mortal fisherman who found an herb that brought the fish he caught back to life. He ate the herb himself to see what would happen and he turned into an immortal half man, half fish. He was accepted by the other gods and developed a talent for prophecy. He used this gift to help sailors and fishermen in storms. Glaucus is also part of the story of Jason and the Argonauts.
Being a part of mythology, Glaucus had an interesting love life. He had both male and female lovers but the most famous was Scylla. Glaucus fell in love with the beautiful sea nymph and wanted her for his wife, but she was appalled by his fish-like features and fled onto land when he tried to approach her. He asked the witch Circe for a potion to make Scylla fall in love with him, but Circe fell in love with him instead. She tried to win his heart with her most passionate and loving words, telling him to scorn Scylla and stay with her. But he replied that trees would grow on the ocean floor and seaweed would grow on the highest mountain before he would stop loving Scylla. In her anger, Circe poisoned the pool where Scylla bathed, transforming her into a terrible monster with twelve feet and six heads
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