Dante and Beatrice Convex Mirrors

In All by Arif


The Dante and Beatrice convex mirrors are the result of taking well shaped but flimsy frames and making them solid and encrusted with miles of Venetian glass rods. The thickness of the glass gives each mirror a richness and depth that I love.

Dante has citrine spheres orbiting the center of the mirror. Each frame is around 10 inches in diameter.

Jewelry for walls!

These mirrors are dedicated to the great Italian poet, Dante Algheri( 1265-1321) and his true love, Beatrice Portinari( 1265-1290). Tho Dante only met Beatrice twice in his life, divided by nine years, she remained an inspiration to him.

Beata Beatrix by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1870.
A portrait of Dante by Sandro Botticelli, circa 1495
Dante and Beatrice Near Santa Trinita by Henry Holiday, 1883
Gustav Dore created the definitive illustrations for The Divine Comedy. This is from Paradiso, Canto XXCVIII: the Ninth Heavean, Circles of the Heavenly Host.

An amusing anecdote is:Doré was 23 years old in 1855, when he first decided to create a series of engravings for a deluxe edition of Dante’s classic.  He was already the highest-paid illustrator in France, with popular editions of Rabelais and Balzac under his belt, but Doré was unable to convince his publisher, Louis Hachette, to finance such an ambitious and expensive project. The young artist decided to pay the publishing costs for the first book himself. When the illustrated Inferno came out in 1861, it sold out fast. Hachette summoned Doré back to his office with a telegram: “Success! Come quickly! I am an ass!”